The new book by Federico Cresti and Massimiliano Cricco is in the bookshops

Federico Cresti – Massimiliano Cricco
Storia della Libia contemporanea. Dal dominio ottomano alla morte di Gheddafi
Le sfere – Carocci – 2012

The book has been presented on Saturday March 31st at the
Libreria Griot – via di S. Cecilia 1/a – 00123 Roma
by Prof. Gian Paolo Calchi Novati
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The book has been presented on Thursday December 13th at the
University of Urbino, School of Political Science – p.zza Gherardi, 4 – 61029 Urbino
by Prof. Ilvo Diamanti, Prof. Maria Eleonora Guasconi, Prof.ssa Anna Maria Medici
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